
Seth Feder Seth Feder

Targeting the Right Persona in Your Health IT Marketing Campaign

In my work as an industry analyst and consultant to technology providers, the most frequent topic of discussion is about reaching buyers and delivering the right messaging to attract interest. This is where marketers roll up their sleeves and partner with their sales teams to fill the "top of the funnel", meaning attract potential customers and begin what hopefully will become a buying journey. By developing a deep understanding of your target persona, you can tailor your messaging to resonate with their specific needs and challenges. This not only enhances the effectiveness of your marketing efforts but also builds trust and loyalty among your audience.

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Seth Feder Seth Feder

The Medicare Advantage Squeeze

The changes to Medicare Advantage (MA) by CMS in 2025 will have a significant impact on health plans, hospitals, and physicians. These changes include a cut to base payments, stricter methodology for calculating quality ratings, and changes to the 5-Star rating system

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